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EPA CFR 40 - Spill Prevention Control
40 CFR 112 SPCC: Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Compliant
What is SPCC and who is regulated by the rule? SPCC is short for Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures. The rule was developed under the authority of The Federal Water Pollution Control Act and The Clean Water Act, and is designed to prevent oil pollution in US waterways. The SPCC Rule outlines the requirement of owners and operators of on shore facilities and offshore facilities to prepare and implement a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures plan.
The SPCC Rule is mandated for facilities with 1,320 gallons of above ground storage or 42,000 gallons of buried storage of Petroleum Oils and Non-Petroleum Oils, Animal Fats and Oils and Greases, and Fish and Marine Mammal Oils; and Vegetable Oils (including Oils from Seeds, Nuts, Fruits, and Kernels).
Application to spill control products, The SPCC Rule outlines the requirement of an owner and operator to demonstrate in their SPCC plans considerations for secondary containment solutions for containers 55 gallons and larger. Each secondary containment shall be as follows:
1) To hold the entire capacity of the largest container.
2) To have sufficient freeboard to hold precipitation.
1) Freeboard: the vertical distance to the lowest point of over flow.
2) Adequate freeboard needs to be determined by the owner, or the operator or their engineer as outlined in their plan.
3) Pallets that are sheltered do not require freeboard to hold precipitation. This would be implied under "good engineering practices."
Please consult your local authority having jurisdiction with your questions and for guidance in conforming to laws as they apply to your application. This is only meant for a reference and does not imply a warranty.