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International Fire Code - Safety Cans
IFC 2106.2 Class I Solvents
The maximum quantity of Class I solvents permitted at any work station shall be 1 gallon (4 L). Spotting or prespotting shall be permitted to be conducted with Class I solvents where they are stored in and dispensed from approved safety cans or in sealed DOT-approved metal
IFC 5003.9.10 Safety Cans
Safety cans shall be listed in accordance with UL 30 where used to increase the maximum allowable quantities per control area of flammable or combustible liquids in accordance with Table 5003.1.1(1). Safety cans listed in accordance with UL 1313 are allowed for flammable and combustible liquids where not used to increase the maximum allowable quantities per control area and for other hazardous material liquids in accordance with the listing.
IFC 5005.1.10 Liquid Transfer
Liquids having a hazard ranking of 3 or 4 in accordance with NFPA 704 shall be transferred by one of the following methods:
1. From safety cans complying with UL 30.
2. Through an approved closed piping system.
3. From containers or tanks by an approved pump taking suction through an opening in the top of the container or tank.
4. From containers or tanks by gravity through an approved self-closing or automatic-closing valve where the container or tank and dispensing operations are provided with spill control and secondary containment in accordance with Section 5004.2. Highly toxic liquids shall not be dispensed by gravity from tanks.
5. Approved engineered liquid transfer systems.
IFC 5705.2.4 Class I, II and III Liquid Transfer
Class I liquids or, when heated to or above their flash points, Class II and Class III liquids, shall be transferred by one of the following methods:
1. From safety cans complying with UL 30.
2. Through an approved closed piping system.
3. From containers or tanks by an approved pump taking suction through an opening in the top of the container or tank.
4. For Class IB, IC, II and III liquids, from containers or tanks by gravity through an approved self-closing or automatic-closing valve where the container or tank and dispensing operations are provided with spill control and secondary containment in accordance with Section 5703.4. Class IA liquids shall not be dispensed by gravity from tanks.
5. Approved engineered liquid transfer systems.
Please consult your local authority having jurisdiction with your questions and for guidance in conforming to laws as they apply to your application. This is only meant for a reference and does not imply a warranty.