
Mine Safety and Health Administration 30 - Safety Cans 75

75.1900 Definitions - Safety Can

Safety can. A metal container intended for storage, transport or dispensing of diesel fuel, with a nominal capacity of 5 gallons, listed or approved by a nationally recognized independent testing laboratory.

75.1902 Underground Diesel Fuel Storage

General requirements.
(a) All diesel fuel must be stored in:
(1) Diesel fuel tanks in permanent underground diesel fuel storage facilities;
(2) Diesel fuel tanks on diesel fuel transportation units in permanent underground diesel fuel storage facilities
(3) Safety cans.

75.1904 Underground Diesel Fuel Tanks and Safety Cans

(f) Safety cans must be:
(1) Limited to a nominal capacity of 5 gallons or less;
(2) Equipped with a flexible or rigid tubular nozzle attached to a valved spout;
(3) Provided with a vent valve designed to open and close simultaneously and automatically with the opening and closing of the pouring valve; and
(4) Designed so that they will safely relieve internal pressure when exposed to fire.

75.1905 Dispensing of Diesel Fuel

(a) Diesel-powered equipment in underground coal mines may be refueled only from safety cans, from tanks on diesel fuel transportation units, or from stationary tanks.

75.1906 Transport of Diesel Fuel

(a) Diesel fuel shall be transported only by diesel fuel transportation units or in safety cans.
(b) No more than one safety can shall be transported on a vehicle at any time. The can must be protected from damage during transport. All other safety cans must be stored in permanent underground diesel fuel storage facilities.
(c) Safety cans that leak must be promptly removed from the mine.
(d) Diesel fuel transportation unit tanks and safety cans must be conspicuously marked as containing diesel fuel.
(h) Diesel fuel transportation units and vehicles transporting safety cans containing diesel fuel must have at least two multipurpose, dry chemical type (ABC) fire extinguishers, listed or approved by a nationally recognized independent testing laboratory and having a 10A:60B:C or higher rating, with one fire extinguisher provided on each side of the vehicle.

Please consult your local authority having jurisdiction with your questions and for guidance in conforming to laws as they apply to your application. This is only meant for a reference and does not imply a warranty.