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Safety Products for the Manufacturing Industry
Manufacturing Industry Safety Products
Health and safety issues in the manufacturing industry are notably fewer than in the past, and safety in the manufacturing industry has progressed immensely over the decades. Despite this, manufacturing plants still present hazards to employees. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 421,400 nonfatal injuries and illnesses in the manufacturing industry in 2019. Common injuries included sprains, strains, and tears, as well as cuts or lacerations.
Companies around the world are doing what they can to improve manufacturing workplace safety by improving factory safety standards and implementing manufacturing plant safety programs. In addition to the efforts on behalf of employers, industrial safety manufacturers like Justrite are doing all they can to protect workers through effective manufacturing safety products.
There are numerous safety products that can be applied in the manufacturing industry to reduce the risk of injury and protect your workforce. In an effort to improve manufacturing plant safety across the country, we have chosen common settings found in the manufacturing industry and highlighted the safety products that you can use in these settings. Integrating these products into your operations, along with stringent safety rules in your manufacturing company, can greatly improve worker safety and ensure regulatory compliance.
Manufacturing Industry Safety Equipment by Location
Loading Dock/Shipping & Receiving Area
Your loading docks likely see immense quantities of different raw materials passing through each and every day, some of which are some form of hazardous chemicals. Whenever handling hazardous materials, it’s crucial to ensure that your team is equipped with the safety equipment that they need to transport, store, and utilize these hazardous materials safely.
Your loading dock should be equipped with the appropriate waste disposal containers, which might include both oily waste containers and biohazard waste containers. In addition to proper waste receptacles, it’s important to ensure that you are equipped with the appropriate safety cabinets for safe storage. Depending on the materials moving through your loading dock, you might need corrosive cabinets, poly cabinets, or a ChemCor® lined safety cabinet.
It’s also important to ensure that your team is equipped with the proper secondary spill containment products so that they can clean it up safely and effectively.

Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Wash Bays
Wash bays make use of a wide variety of cleaners, oils, and lubricants to ensure that your equipment is fully operational anytime you need it. Equip your team to safely handle these materials by providing the appropriate safety cabinets, decontamination showers, and secondary containment solutions.
Justrite provides a number of different safety shower solutions, including indoor safety showers, outdoor safety showers, as well as face and eyewash stations. We also provide several different forms of secondary containment, including both passive and active solutions. Our offering includes spill berms, pallets, and absorbents to mitigate spills in the workplace.

Production & Assembly Line/Production and Materials Handling
Your production and assembly lines stand at the heart of your operations, and ensuring that these spaces are not only productive but safe is a top priority. Your production line might make use of any number of different flammable liquids or hazardous material, each of which will likely require unique safety products in order to be handled safely.
We recommend using a Type I safety can for the safe transportation and storage of fuel along your production lines. For those looking for increased accuracy and precision while pouring, turn to the Type II can. We also provide a number of other containers for the use of cleaners, including dip tanks, mix tanks, plunger cans, and more.
When hazardous liquids are not in use, they should be stored in an appropriate safety cabinet, whether a flammable liquid safety cabinet, a drum storage cabinet, a hazmat cabinet, or a paint storage cabinet. Secondary containment solutions should be kept on hand in the case of any spills, as well as a face and eyewash station.
Justrite also provides excellent safety products for the safe transportation, storage, and utilization of gas cylinders. Gas cylinder carts are a safe and easy means to transport gas cylinders around the production floor, and gas cylinder lockers can provide a safe means of storage.

Quality Control/Lab
Quality control and laboratories are other settings in your facility that make good use of numerous different chemicals and hazardous materials. Justrite provides a variety of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) containers and accessories for safe use, including dispensing bottles, non-metallic safety cans, as well as HPLC disposable containers. You might also make use of carboys, plunger cans, or dip tanks. Justrite carries HDPE carboys, polypropylene carboys, copolyester carboys, and more to ensure you can find the ideal carboy for your circumstances.
For the safe disposal of solvents, we recommend VaporTrap™ Solvent Waste Systems. These carboys are designed to collect waste and trap vapors, protecting your team from any harmful vapors emitted by the solvents used in your facility. You should also ensure that your laboratory is outfitted with oily waste receptacles and biohazard waste cans if needed.
Safety cabinets should be used to store potentially dangerous chemicals, and Justrite offers a number of safety cabinets that are ideal for a laboratory setting, including countertop safety cabinets, under-counter safety cabinets, under-fume hood cabinets and wall-mounted safety cabinets.

Research and Development
Your research and development department might also benefit from many of the safety products noted above in the quality control department. In addition, it is essential to ensure that your team is operating in close proximity to both a face and eyewash station and a laboratory shower. In settings where an indoor safety shower cannot be installed, turn to mobile safety showers as a practical alternative.
It’s also important to remember to outfit your R&D department with the necessary forms of secondary containment. Depending on the liquids in use and other circumstances, you might find that either a spill berm, spill containment pallet, or absorbents are the most practical form of containment for your space.
Justrite’s Make-A-Berm Custom Spill Containment Kits are another excellent form of spill containment that can be configured into numerous shapes and sizes and serve as a flexible solution for unique situations or unusually-shaped areas.

Waste Disposal & Recycling
The chemicals used within your facility are still potentially hazardous, even after they have completed their useful life. Ensure that you are utilizing the right safety products for the safe disposal of hazardous materials. Position oily waste receptacles as needed throughout the facility, as well as liquid disposal cans. For potentially dangerous solvents, use a VaporTrap™ Solvent Waste System, and for liquid waste stored in drums, you can offer greater protection through the use of a drum storage cabinet.
For the safe, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly disposal of aerosol cans, we recommend the Aerosolv® Aerosol Recycling System. The Aerosolv recycling system safely punctures aerosol cans and drains the liquid waste, leaving you with ready-to-recycle scrap metal.
For the safe and economical disposal of propane cylinders, turn to the Prosolv® propane cylinder recycling system. It removes the sealing sleeve and internal valve stem from propane cylinders, leaving them ready to recycle.

As you clean and maintain your facilities, you’ll make use of a wide variety of cleaning products and lubricants to ensure that your facility stays clean and operational. It’s important to take necessary precautions as you use these cleaning products to ensure that your cleaning staff is safe as they use, transport, and store these chemicals.
Safety cabinets should be used as needed, as well as the appropriate dispensing bottles and carboys. For the safe and efficient cleaning of small parts, you might benefit from the use of dip tanks, mixing tanks, or plunger cans.

Fuel Storage
Manufacturing workplace safety is important especially when it deals with fuel. Fuel likely plays a significant role in your facility’s operations, and using the proper safety products to store and use this fuel is essential for a safe and compliant workspace. Use Type I or Type II safety cans to safely dispense gasoline, diesel, and propane, and store these fuels in the appropriate flammable safety cabinet when not in use. Justrite also offers EN safety cabinets that are GS certified by MPA Dresden and conform to EN requirements, available in 30 and 90-minute safety ratings.
It is also wise to keep secondary containment solutions close at hand when storing fuels in the workplace, whether a spill containment berm, drip pads, absorbents, or another form.

The Right Safety Equipment for Your Manufacturing Company
Safety in the manufacturing industry is crucial. Justrite is one of the premier safety equipment manufacturing companies in operation today and has been recognized as an industry leader in safety equipment for more than 100 years. We supply manufacturing companies and job sites worldwide with the products they need to keep their production floor and surrounding areas safe. We are a trusted industrial safety manufacturer across the nation. Justrite carries numerous products that would benefit in many different manufacturing settings. No matter what you need, we are confident that we will be able to help.